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Do you have a business that needs an extraction system? We can design and install an extraction system specific to your needs to keep your business ventilated and safe. We are working with experts to make the assessments and prepare reports that will be used to support the extraction system proposal.

Every business needs good ventilation, isn’t it? So let’s find out what this service includes for your business!

1. Consultation and Site Visit

After the free consultation, we will make a site visit to your business. To find the right system for your business, we will listen to your needs and take measurements for drawing existing and proposed plans and elevations.

2. Assessments (For Noise and Odour Risk)

We will be working with engineering experts on noise impact and odour risk assessments for the extraction system.

Noise measurements will be carried out at specific times. The closest noise-sensitive receiver to the installation location of the plant, such as a residential window, balcony, etc., will be specified in the assessment.

The purpose of the survey will be to assess the level of noise emanating and odour from the proposed kitchen extraction system to the residential units and to advise on the level and type of mitigation that will be required. To achieve the specific sound level, we will apply the mitigation measures, such as silencers and antivibration mountings.

3. Extraction System Proposal and Planning Application

We will be working with extraction system experts to make a proposal. Then we will make a planning application to get a permit for installing the extraction system. 

Extraction System Planning Permissions in London, UK

4. Extraction System Elements and Installation

The extraction system will include elements such as  :

  • Extractor Canopy
  • Baffle Filters
  • Duct
  • ESP (if required)
  • Carbon Filters 
  • Fan 
  • Silencer 
  • Access Panels
  • Antivibration Mountings

(Note: The extraction system elements mentioned above can change according to your business’s needs.)

We will clarify the specifications of these elements and design a system that will increase the efficiency of your kitchen. Then we will apply for a planning application to get a permit for the installation of the extraction system.

We can assist you if you want to make your business ventilated and safe.

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DISCLAIMER: There are numerous caveats and restrictions. Because of the generality of this update, the information provided herein may not be applicable in all situations. A comprehensive review would be required for certainty. The information contained on this website is for general information purposes only.

Please contact us for further information and a more detailed assessment. If you are in any doubt, you should contact your Local Authority before undertaking any work. Whilst we endeavour to keep the information up to date and detailed, Se & Se Consultancy Ltd. makes no representations or warranties about the accuracy with respect to information of any kind without a detailed assessment and/or Local Authority confirmation.

Se & Se Consultancy Ltd. 2022 |
Planning and Architectural Specialists

Do you need a Tables and Chairs Licence?

You can increase your visitors by putting tables and chairs in front of your restaurant, cafe or bar with a licence. It was known as the Pavement Licence before and the Tables and Chairs Licence now. Check out our page to get the information.


go to tables and chaırs lıcence page

Give us more details about your business. We will help you to get a tables and chairs licence!

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